Tuesday 30 November 2010


Some days, it's all going well, and then something, some little thing will happen. Someone will say something completely innocuous, I'll catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye or, without warning, it will hit me like a sledgehammer and then the tears come.

I'm not actually depressed. My doctor told me so. It's happening less these days and I'm getting better but sometimes I just can't stop the tears, that's all and the one thought just goes round, and round, and round in my head.

Why not me?

Then, by and by, it passes. And I'm happy and relaxed again and I get on with my life and everything's good but a part of me knows that deep down, that question lurks sometimes hidden, sometimes yelling and screaming to get out.

Why not me?


Doris said...

I hear ya, girlfriend (Hugs) xxx

Amy said...

Big love sweetheart :) xxx